日本語 English

Articles and Book Chapters

in English

Kentaro Nagai, Mikihito Tanaka, Alessandro R. Marcon, Ryuma Shineha, Katsushi Tokunaga, Timothy Caulfield & Yasuko Takezawa. “Comparing direct-to-consumer genetic testing services in English, Japanese, and Chinese websitesAnthropological Science, 131:1.
Japan’s Modernization and Self Construction Between White and Yellow, The Routledge Critical Whiteness Studies Handbook, London: Routledge.
“Social Issues and the Role of Anthropology in Contemporary Japan” Wenner-Gren Foundation
Yasuko Takezawa and Stephen Small, March 2022, “Theorizing People of Mixed Race in the Pacific and the Atlantic,”Social Sciences 11(3), 124;
Social Issues and the Role of Anthropology in Contemporary Japan,” Pathways to Anthropological Futures, Wenner-Gren Foundation online
“Race, Civilisation and the Japanese. Textbooks During the Meiji Period,” Politika, L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) (online).
(English version) (French version)
Takezawa, Y., & Kina, L. (2020). Trans-Pacific Minor Visions in Japanese Diasporic Art. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas (ADVA), 6:1.
Major- and Minor-Transnationalism in Yoko Inoue’s Art: Power Dynamics and Practices of Co- production. Special issue: Trans-Pacific Minor Visions in Japanese Diasporic Art. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas (ADVA); 6:1. (postprint in PDF)
Book Review of In Search of Our Frontier: Japanese America and Settler Colonialism in the Construction of Japan’s Borderless Empire, by Eiichiro Azuma, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2020.
Introduction Trans-Pacific Japanese Diaspora Art: Encounters and Envisions of Minor- Transnationalism,” Yasuko Takezawa and Laura Kina (eds.), Amerasia Journal, 45(3), University of California, pp. 373-376.
Encounters with Transmigrants and a Navaho Chef: Yoko Inoue”. Special issue Trans-Pacific Japanese Diaspora Art: Encounters and Envisions of Minor-Transnationalism, Amerasia Journal, 45(3), University of California, pp.391-395.
Antiracist Knowledge Production: Bridging Subdisciplines and Regions,” American Anthropologist, 119 (3), September 2017, pp.538-540. DOI: 10.1111/aman.12921
Rethinking ‘Race’ from Asian perspectives“, in Ethnicity as a Political Resource, Transcript Verlag (Bielefeld, Germany), 2016, 75-84.
“Introduction” (with Gary Y. Okihiro), in Trans-Pacific Japanese American Studies: Conversations on Race and Racializations (Yasuko Takezawa and Gary Y. Okihiro, eds.,) University of Hawai’i Press, pp.1-10.
“Shifting Grounds in Japanese American Studies: Reconsidering ‘Race’ and ‘Class’ in a Trans-Pacific Geopolitical-Historical Context,” ibid., pp.13-35.
“Negotiating Categories and Transforming (Mixed-) Race Identities: The Art and Narratives of Roger Shimomura, Laura Kina, and Shizu Saldamando,” ibid., pp.60-90.
“Toward More Equal Dialogue,” ibid., pp.396-400.
Translating and Transforming ‘Race’: Early Meiji Period TextbooksJapanese Studies, 35 (1), Special Issue: Race and Racism in Japan.
Rethinking Race and Racism in and from Japan,” Japanese Studies, 35 (1) Special Issue: Race and Racism in Japan.
Human Genetic Research, Race, Ethnicity and the Labeling of Populations: Recommendations based on an interdisciplinary workshop in Japan” (Yasuko Takezawa, Kazuto Kato, Hiroki Oota, Timothy Caulfield, et al.) BMC Medical Ethics. With an official permanent flag, “Highly Accessed.”
“Introduction” in Racial Representations in Asia, Takezawa ed., Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, pp. 1-6.
“Toward a New Approach to Race and Racial Representations: Perspectives from Asia” in Takezawa, op. cit., pp. 7-19.
“New Arts, New Resistance: Asian American Artists in the ‘Post-race’ Era” in Takezawa, op. cit., pp. 93-123.
Race in Asia” “Japan’s Minority Groups” in Encyclopedia Britannica’s Guide to Black History (on line 2010, selected in Editor’s Choice).
“’Tabunka Kyosei’ and Community-Rebuilding After the Kobe Earthquake,” in Multiculturalism in New Japan: Crossing the Boundaries within Japan, John Ertl et al., Berghahn Books, pp.32-42, 2008.
Toward a New Kind of Collectivity in American Studies,” Nanzan Review of American Studies, 30, pp.75-81, 2008.
“Race Should Be Discussed and Understood Across the Globe”. Anthropology News, “Rethinking Race and Human Variation” special editions of February and March 2006, American Anthropological Association, pp.7-8.Reprinted online in “Bibliography” of the Understanding Race website.
Transcending the Western Paradigm of the Idea of Race,” The Japanese Journal of American Studies, 16, pp. 5-30, 2005.
“Cultural Particularlism vs. Oppressors’ Universalism?: Comments on Kurashige’s Paper” in New Waves: Japanese American Studies in the 21st Century, Brian Hayashi and Yasuko Takezawa eds., Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, pp. 37-41, 2004.
Final Comments in New Waves: Japanese American Studies in the 21st Century, Brian Hayashi and Yasuko Takezawa, eds., Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, pp. 105-106, 2004.
“Nikkeijin and ‘Multicultural Coexistence’ in Japan: Kobe after the Great Earthquake,” in New Worlds, New Lives: Globalization and People of Japanese Descent in the Americas and from Latin America in Japan, Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, et.al., Stanford University Press, pp.310-330, 2002.
“The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and Town-Making Towards Multiculturalism,” ZINBUN, No. 34(2), 87-99, 2000.
The Great Kobe Earthquake and Foreign Residents: Multicultural Coexistence in the New Concept of Local Community,” in Study on the Relation between Administrative Needs for New Comers and Internationalization Policies of Local Governments, Hiroshi Komai, ed. A Study Report of a Research Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, pp. 2-15, 1999.
Racial Boundaries and Stereotypes: An Analysis of American Advertising,” The Japanese Journal of American Studies, 10, pp.77-106, 1999.
“Multiculturalism and Citizenship: The Effects of the 1996 Immigration Laws,” in Diversified Migration patterns of North America: Their Challenges and Opportunities, JCAS Symposium Series 4 Population Movement in the Modern World II, Kitagawa Otsuru Chieko, ed., pp. 237-260, 1997.
“The Integration of Ethnic Groups in the United States: The Formation of Pan-Ethnicity,” in Kokusaichiiki Tougou no Furontia, Harald Kleinschmidt; Sumio Hatano, eds., Sairyu-sha, pp. 231-251, 1997.
“Rebuilding Los Angeles and Philanthropic Activities Japanese-Affiliated Companies: A Preliminary Report” Shakaigaku Janaru (Tsukuba Journal of Sociology) 19, pp.44-56, 1994.
“San Francisco’s Chinatown: Its Social Changes after the 1965 Immigration Law,” in Continuity and Change in Overseas Chinese Communities in the Pan-Pacific Area, Tsuneo Ayabe and Masaki Onozawa, eds. pp. 205-224, 1993.
“Children of Inmates: The Effects of the Redress Movement among the Third Generation Japanese Americans,” Qualitative Sociology 14(1): 39-56, 1991.

in Japanese

“Zadankai: Trump to imin mondai,” (Forum: Trump and immigrant issues) America Kenkyū (The American Review), 114, pp.1-5. The Japanese association for American studies.
“Introduction,” (with Akio Tanabe and Ryuichi Narita) in Akio Tanabe, Yasuko Takezawa, and Ryuichi Narita eds. Kan-Taiheiyo-Chiiki no Ido to Jinshu (Migration and Race in the Trans-Pacific Region, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press., by Eiichiro Azuma, pp. 1-28.
“”Hodoku””Tsunagu” ga Umidasu Maina-Toransunashonarizumu,” (Minor Transnationalism Created by “Unravelling” and “Connecting”) in Akio Tanabe, Yasuko Takezawa, and Ryuichi Narita eds. Kan-Taiheiyo-Chiiki no Ido to Jinshu (Migration and Race in the Trans-Pacific Region, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press., by Eiichiro Azuma, pp. 361-408.
“Meijiki / Taishōki ni okeru jinshu / minzoku ni kansuru kyōkasho kijutsu: kokuminkokka to teikokoukeisei no nakade,” Yasuko Takezawa and Jean-Frédéric Schaub (eds.) Jinshushugi / hanjinshushugi no ekkyō to tenkan Kyoto University Press. (forthcoming)
Preface,” (with Jean-Frédéric Schaub) The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities), 114, pp.1-5.
Race, Species, and Ethnicity Described in Textbooks During the Meiji Period,” The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities), 114, pp.205-238.
Afterword,” The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities), 114, pp.239-241.
(Document and Report) “A Report of Science Council of Japan Multicultural Coexistence Section Symposium, ‘Foreign Students in Regional Society: Problems after Compulsory Education,’” Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology 82 (3), December 2017, pp.397-399.
“Census,” in America Bunka Jiten (An Encyclopedia of American Culture), Maruzen, 2017, pp.170-171.
“Tabunka-shugi (Multiculturalism),” in ibid., pp.262-263.
Book Review: John L. Rury and Shirley A. Hill (Trans: Ichiro Kuraishi, Minako Kuhara and Junko Sueki), “The African American Struggle for Secondary Schooling, 1940-1980: Closing the Graduation Gap,” Tosho Shimbun, June 10, 2017.
“Realize Multucultural Coexistence,” Human Rights Promotion Series, 2015-2016: Deep Breath, Kochi Prefecture Human Rights Promotion Center, 2017, pp.10-11.
Ayako, Saito and Yasuko, Takezawa, “Introduction: Visibility and Invisibility of Differences”, Ayako, Saito and Yasuko Takezawa, eds., Dismantling the Race Myth Vol.1 (In)Visibility: Representation of Invisible Race, pp.3-32.
“On (In)Visibility of Differences and Discrimination”, ibid., pp.249-264.
“Introduction: Dismantling the Mixed Race Myth and Calling for Diverse Interpretations of Self-Empowerment Rights”, Kohei, Kawashima and Yasuko Takezawa, eds., Dismantling the Race Myth Vol.3 Hybridity: Beyond the Politics of “Blood,” pp.3-34.
“Works and Narratives of Mixed Race Japanese American Artists”, ibid., pp.249-274.
“The Internment of Japanese Americans and Redress Movement” (Transcription of the Lecture at 15th Multi Ethnic ‘Human Rights’ Pro-existence Workshop, 2015), Multi-Ethnic ‘Human Rights’ Education Center for Pro-existence, ed., MEHREC Booklet Vol.6, pp.54-64.
“Facing Experiences of Japanese Americans: Before, During and After the World War II”, Kikan Minzokugaku (Ethnology Quarterly,) 39 (4), pp. 61-76.
“The Colour of Money” in vol.1 of BBC Racism: A History(DVD), subtitle supervised.
“Fatal Impacts” in vol.2 of BBC Racism: A History(DVD), subtitle supervised.
“A Savage Legacy” in vol.3 of BBC Racism: A History(DVD), subtitle supervised.
“Henry Miyatake and the Pacific War”ZINBUN Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 61, pp. 33-34.
“The Purpose of This Special Issue,” “The Invention of ‘Race’,” (Special Issue: Learning ‘Race,’ ‘Ethnicity,’ and ‘Human Diversity’ in Secondary Education), Trends in the Sciences, 19-7, 2014.
“Migration and Racism in Modern Japan” in The Encyclopedia of Migration: From Japan to Asia, from Asia to Japan (Maruzen)
“Mixed Roots Open the Door,” in Minpaku Monthly (Special Issue: Hybrid or Mixture), 37 (8) (August, 2013), National Museum of Ethnology.
“Immigration and Racism in Modern Japan,” in Encyclopedia of Human Migration: Asia and Japan, Maruzen.
“History of Japanese Immigration and the Future of Multicultural Society,” Proceedings of Institutes in Economics, Kyoto University Symposium 3 “Proposal from Kyoto: Rethinking of Japan in the 21st Century, The 7th: Tomorrow’s Society,” pp. 63-76.
“What the Skin Color Tells Us: Race and Racism” in The Body Tells Human Culture: From Physical to Cultural, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, International Center for Folk Studies, Kanagawa University, pp. 21-26.
“Prologue,” The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities), Special Issue: The Representation of Difference, 100.
“Introduction, Further Tasks for the Collaborative Research in Racial Representations,” in The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities), Special Issue: The Representation of Difference, 100, pp.1-12.
“Introduction: Re-thinking Multicultural Coexistence from the Perspective of Migration Studies, “ in Migration Studies and Multicultural Co-existence, Takezawa co-ed. with the Japanese Association for Migration Studies, Ochanomizu Shobo, pp.1-17.
“Modernity and Genesis of Race,” in Shunwa Honda (Stuart Henry) and Keiichi Omura eds., Anthropology of Globalization: Conflicts and Reconciliations, Open University of Japan, pp.57-70.
“Globalization and Race in Our Age,” in ibid., pp.71-87.
“Summary of the General Discussion,” (Special Feature: The Ainu Today: Towards a Policy of Multicultural Co-existence), Trends in the Sciences, 16-9: 104-105, 2011
“A New Exhibition Created: ‘Multicultural Co-existence’ based on the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995,” Kobe Shimbun, April 8, 2010
On The Class (Entre Les Murs, 2008), Kyoto Shimbun, September 15, 2009
Introduction. in The Representation and Social Reality of Race, Takezawa, ed., Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, pp.1-26, 2009.
“New Arts, New Identities: Asian American Artists in the Post-multicultural Age” in The Racial Representation and Its Social Reality, Takezawa, ed., Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, pp.266-290, 2009.
“Introduction: Problematics and the Present State of Multicultural Coexistence,” Bunkajinruigaku (Anthropology) 74:1, 86-95, 2009.
“Evolutionary Theory and Human ‘Differences’ Seen Through American Anthropology: Transatlantic Racial Theories,” Gendaishisou 37:5, 202-220, 2009.
“Partnership Towards Multicultural Coexistence: Coalition between NGOs and Hyogo Prefecture” in Manazasareru Kindai (Modernity under the gaze), Midori Kurokawa, ed., Osaka: Buraku Kaiho Jinken Kenkyusho, pp. 251-281, 2007.
“General Commentary” in Saraba, Mongoloid: ‘Jinshu’ ni monoii wo tsukeru (Farewell to Mongoloid: Challenging the ‘race’) by Takenori Kanbe, Tokyo: Seikatsu Shoin, pp.151-169, 2007.
“From Fieldnotes” in Sentan Toshi Shyakaigaku no Chihei, Michihiro Okuda et al., Habesuto. pp.263-276, 2006.
“Nikkeijin as foreigners” in Nikkeijin to grobarizeishion, Lane Hirabayashi et. al., Kyoto: Jimbun Shoin, pp.72-75, 2006.
” Is Race Real?” “Modern Racism” in Yokuwakaru Bunka Jinruigaku (Introduction to Cultural Anthropology). Tsuneo Ayabe and Takami Kuwayama, eds., Kyoto: Minerva, pp. 467-493, 2006.
“Dilemma for Identity Politics” in Shin Kokusai Shakaigaku, Takamichi Kajita, ed., Nagoya University Press.220-237, 2005.
“My Encounter with ‘Breaking the Silence’” in Raifu Sutoori Intabyu (Interviewing for Life Stories). Atsushi Sakurai and Tazuko Kobayashi, eds., Tokyo: Serika, pp.123-128, 2005.
“Associations of Asian Americans” in Kurabu no Tsukutta Kuni America, Tsuneo Ayabe, ed., Tokyo: Yamakawa, pp. 266-275, 2005.
“Book Review of After America by Yasushi Watanabe,” Bunkajinruigaku 70(1), pp. 119-123, 2005.
“Race” in Bunka jinruigaku Nyumon, Shinji Yamashita, ed., Kobundo, pp.80-91, 2005.
“Producing Mechanisms to Support Foreign Residents of Hyogo and Promoting the Internationalization of Communities” in Fukkou 10-nen Sokatsu Kensho, Teigen Jigyo, Saishu hokoku, Hyougoken Fukkoukikakuka, pp. 1-49, 2005.
“Great Hanshin Earthquake and Changes in Ethnic Relations” in Daishinsai to Esuniku Kankei no Henka, Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai Kinenkyoukai, ed., Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai Kinenkyoukai, pp.1-8, 2005.
“GONGO: Solidarities between Local governments and NGOs after Great Hanshin Earthquake” in Daishinsai to Esunikku Kankei no Henka, Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai Kinenkyoukai, ed., Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai Kinenkyoukai, pp.9-26, 2005.
“The United States of America” in Kokusei Chosa no Bunka Jinruigaku, Machiko Aoyagi, ed., Tokyo: Kokonshoin, pp. 273-294, 2004.
“What is Race?: A Question Raised Now Again” in Toransnashonariti Kenkyu, Humanities of Interface, Osaka University, Osaka University COE for the 21st Century, pp. 72-83, 2004.
“Race and Ethnicity” in Bunka jinruigaku Bunken jiten, Kazuhiko Komatsu et al., ed., Tokyo: Kobundo, 2004.
“Darwinism and Race in American Anthropology” in Hen’i suru Dawinizumu, Takashi Sakagami, ed., Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, pp.452-489, 2003.
“Race and American Anthropology” in Bunkajinruigaku no Frontia, Tsuneo Ayabe, ed., Kyoto: Minerva, pp. 3-30, 2003.
“Toward Understanding Racism by Redefining the Idea of Race,” Gekkan Human Raitsu (Human Rights) 189, pp. 22-25, 2003.
“International Front Line-Is Race an Universal Idea?,”Ekosofia (Ecosophia) 11, p. 74, 2003.
“International Symposium-Is Race an Universal Idea?,” Kyoto Shimbun, Jan.16, p.15, 2003.
“Census in the US: The History and Modern Racial Classification” in Kokusei-chyosa Houseido ni Mirareru Jinshu Minzoku-bunrui no Hikaku-kenkyu, Machiko Aoyanagi ed. A Study Report of a Research Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, pp. 73-81, 2002.
“Darwinism and Race in American Anthropology” in Shinkaron Juyou no Shyakaiteki-Bunkatekibunmyaku ni kansuru Gakusaiteki-Hikakukenkyu, Takashi Sakagami, ed., A Study Report of a Research Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, pp. 97-119, 2002.
“Bilingual Education in the United States” in Nikkei Nanbei Jin no Kodomo no Bogo Kyouiku, S. Kim, ed., Kobe: KFC, Vol.1, pp73-81, 2001.
“Asia and Europe in the United States: Encounters and Frictions between Asian Immigrants and European Americans” in Sekai no Rekishi 23, Masayuki Yamauchi, ed., Tokyo: Iwanami, pp. 111-134, 1999.
“Race: From an Biological Concept to an Exclusive Worldview” in Minzokugakukenkyuu (Japanese Journal of Ethnology) 63: 4, pp.430-450, 1999.
“Globalization and Migration Studies,” Imin Gatukai Nenpou (Annual Review of Migration Studies) 5, pp. 68-81, 1998.
“The Naturalization of Asian Immigrants and ‘Race” in Nichibei Kiki no Kigen to Hainichi Imin-Ho, Kimitada Miwa, ed., Tokyo: Ronso-sha., pp. 219-255, 1997.
“Between ‘Whites’ and ‘Blacks’: The Selves and Others among Japanese Americans” in Kouza Bunka Jinruigaku Vol.7 Ido no Minzoku-shi. (Series of Cultural Anthropology, Vol.7 Ethnography of Movements) , Tamotu Aoki, et al. eds., Tokyo: Iwanami, pp. 263-292, 1996.
“The Transnational Movements and the Multi-Leveled Cultural Frictions: The Relationship between Japanese Companies and African Americans,” Shakaigaku Jaanaru (Tsukuba Journal of Sociology) 21, pp. 14-27, 1996.
“Modern Anthropology in the United States,”Bunkajinruigaku, Tokyo: Hoso University Press, pp.167-182, 1996.
“Toward a Comparative Study of ‘Racism’ between Japanese and American Societies,” Shakaigaku Jaanaru (Tsukuba Journal of Sociology.) 20, pp. 113-122, 1995.
“Glazer/Moynihan ‘Beyond the Melting Pot” in Bunka Jinruigaku no Meicho, 50, Tsuneo Ayabe, ed., Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp. 411-417, 1994.
“Urban Anthropology” by A. Southall” in Bunka Jinruigaku no Meicho, 50, Tsuneo Ayabe ed., Tokyo: Heibonsha, pp.389-385, 1994.
“Race and Naturalization in the United States 1790-1952,” Shikyo (En Margre de l’Histoire) 28, pp.36-48, 1994.
“From ‘Orientals’ to ‘Asian Americans,” AALA Journal, 1, pp. 9-14, 1994.
“Japanese-Affiliated Companies and Minorities in the U.S.,” Keidanren CBCC, 1994.
“Issues on the Relationship between Japanese-Affiliated Companies and African Americans in the U.S)” in Chiiki-reberu de Kokusaika ga Shinten shiteiru nakadeno Kaigai-shinshytu shita Nikeikigyou no Genchi-koyoshya no Ishiki-kouzou no Henka to sono Kigyou no Chiiki-teichyaku ni kansuru Chyosa-kenkyu (Local employees in Overseas Japanese Campanies and Their Localization), Akikazu Hashimoto, ed., Kanagawa: Koyo Sokusin Jigyodan, pp. 251-260, 1994.
“Ethnicity, Community” in Nihon no Iminkenkyu, Iminkenkyu Kai, ed., Tokyo: Nichigai Associates, pp.63-70, 1994.
“The Resurgence of Ethnicity and Americanization among Japanese Americans,” Amerika-Kenkyu (The American Review), 27, pp. 171-188, 1993.
“The Dream of the Puritans: Anglo-Saxon Culture” in Amerika no Minzoku, Tsuneo Ayabe, ed., Tokyo: Kobundo, pp. 38-63, 1992.
“Pacific Bridge — Japanese, Chinese, Korean Cultures” in Amerika no Minzoku, Tsuneo Ayabe, ed., Tokyo: Kobundo, pp. 246-264, 1992.
“Social and Cultural Byproducts of the US – Japan Relationship: The Social Status and Ethnic Identity of Japanese Americans during World War II and the Contemporary Trade War” in Gaiko Jiho (Revue Diplomatique), 1283, pp. 35-51, 1991.
“‘The Invented Tradition’ and Ethnicity among Japanese American,” Shikyo (En Marge de l’Histoire) , 19, pp.53-66, 1989.
“Current Trends of Afro-American Studies: Afrocentric Ideas on Afro-American Culture,” Amerika-kenkyuu (The American Review), 23, pp.165-174, 1989.
“Ethnic Stereotypes in the U. S.: The Dynamics of Ethnic Group Images Seen in Advertising and Jokes,” Minzokugaku-kenkyu (The Japanese Journal of Ethnology), 52, pp. 363-390, 1987.
“Community Organizations of Japanese Americans in San Francisco,” Shakaikagaku-nenpou (Annual Bulletin of Research Institute for Social Science), 12, pp. 90-100, 1982.
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