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in English

Yasuko Takezawa, Faye V. Harrison, Akio Tanabe, “Visibilities and Invisibilities of Race and Racism Toward a New Global Dialogue“, Routledge.
Special Issue on Genetics, DTC, and Their Social ImplicationsAnthropological Science, 131:1: 1-2.
Yasuko Takezawa and Akio Tanabe eds. Race and Migration in the Transpacific. London: Routledge.
Yasuko Takezawa and Jean-Frédéric Schaub eds. Special Issue: Race as an object of social sciences, Politika (EHESS), L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS).
La race objet des sciences sociales. L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) Guest editors: Yasuko Takezawa et Jean-Frédéric Schaub.
Takezawa, Yasuko and Laura Kina, Special Issue: Trans-Pacific Minor Visions in Japanese Diasporic Art. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas (ADVA), 6:1. 212p.
Yasuko Takezawa and Laura Kina eds. Forum: Trans-Pacific Japanese Diaspora Art: Encounters and Envisions of Minor- Transnationalism. Amerasia Journal, 45(3). University of California.
Yasuko Takezawa and Gary Y. Okihiro eds.Trans-Pacific Japanese American Studies: Conversations on Race and Racializations. University of Hawai’i Press. (Paperback published in March, 2020)
Racial Representations in Asia (Yasuko Takezawa ed.,) Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2011.
Breaking the Silence: Ethnicity and Redress among Japanese Americans. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995.

in French

Race et Civilisation au Japon. L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) Guest editors: Yasuko Takezawa and Jean-Frédéric Schaub

in Japanese

Racism in the United State: The Formation and Transformation of Categories and Identities, Nagoya: Nagoya U Press.
Yasuko Takezawa, Daisuke Higuchi, and Hyoto International Association eds. 2021, Hyakka Ryoran: Hyogo Tabunkakyōsei no 150 nen no Ayumi. (A History of 150 Years Old Multicultural Coexistence in Hyogo Prefecture). Kobe: Kobe Shimbun Publisher.
Migration and Race in the Trans-Pacific: From Governance to Control, From Encounters to Alliances, co-edited with Ryuichi Narita and Akio Tanabe, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Migration and Race in the Trans-Pacific Region
Akio Tanabe, Yasuko Takezawa, and Ryuichi Narita eds. Kantaiheiyō chiiki no idō to jinshu : tōchi kara kanri e sōgū kara rentai e (Migration and Race in the Trans-Pacific Region) , Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
Journal of Humanities
Takezawa, Yasuko and Jean-Frédéric Schaub (eds.) The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities): Special Issue Jinshushugi / Hanjinshushugi no Ekkyō to Tenkan. (Transformation of Racism and Anti-Racism Across Borders). Kyoto: Institute for Research in the Humanities, Kyoto University.
2018 Annual Report of Kakenhi Integrated Research into the Processes and Mechanisms of Racialization
Project Homepage
Shinsoban – Nikkei Amerikajin no Ethnicity (Transformation of Japanese American Ethnicity: The Effects of Internment and Redress, New Cover with a New Epilogue). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Yasuko Takezawa (ed.) Dismantling the Race Myth. University of Tokyo Press.
Vol. 1, In(Visibility): Representation of Invisible Race (Ayako Saito and Yasuko Takezawa, eds.)
Vol. 2, Knowledge: Between Science and Society (Toru Sakano and Yasuko Takezawa, eds.)
Vol. 3, Hybridity: Beyond the Politics of “Blood” (Kohei Kawashima and Yasuko Takezawa, eds.)
The Zinbun Gakuhō (Journal of Humanities) Special Issue: The Representation of Difference, 100, 2011.
Migration Studies and Multicultural Coexistence, (The Japanese Association for Migration Studies ed.) (Editor-in-Chief: Yasuko Takezawa), Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo, 2011.
The Racial Representation and Social Reality of Race. Tokyo: Iwanami, 2009.
Is Race a Universal Idea?: Transcending the Western Paradigm. Kyoto: Jimbun Shoin, 2005.
Nikkei Amerikajin no Ethnicity (Transformation of Japanese American Ethnicity: The Effects of Internment and Redress).Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1994.
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