Yasuko Takezawa
Color Photographs
List of Figures, Tables, Photographs and List of Contributors
Preface and Acknowledgements
Introduction by Yasuko Takezawa
1 Toward a New Approach to Race and Racial Representations: Perspectives from Asia by Yasuko Takezawa
2 Stereotype, Representation, and the Question of the Real: Some Methodological by Proposals Ella Shohat
3 Markers of the ‘Invisible Race’: On the Film Hashi No Nai Kawa by Midori Kurokawa
4 Changing Faces: Colonial Rule in Korea and Ethnic Characterizations by Sung Yup Lee
5 Blood, Land, and Conversion: Mestizoness and the Politics of Belonging in Jose Angliongto’s The Sultanate by
Caroline S. Hau
6 New Arts, New Resistance: Asian American Artists in the ‘Post-race’ Era by Yasuko Takezawa
7 Race as Ricorso: Blackface(s), Racial Representation, and the Transnational Apologetics of Historical Amnesia
in the United States and Japan by John G. Russell
8 Toward an Analysis of Global Blackness: Race, Representation, and Jamaican Popular Culture in Japan by Marvin
D. Sterling
9 Effects of Human Migration on Genome Diversity in East Asia by Hiroki Oota and Mark Stoneking
10 The Role of Molecular Genetics in the Shifting Boundaries of Human Taxonomies by Troy Duster
Name Index
Subject Index